Beat the Heat

July 22, 2019

Ann-Marie Miller

Play it safe this summer and borrow a page from Chelsea Piers Fitness Elite trainer, cycling coach and Performance Center Manager Ann Marie’s book when working out outside. Whether you’re on a run through Hudson River Park, or doing a class or personal training session on one of our sundecks, follow these tips to ensure a happy & healthy summer!

Drink Up

Essentially, drink way more fluids than you think!

  • Consume fluids before, during and after your workout.
  • Drink at least 16 oz of water or a sports drink 2 – 3 hours before your workout and 8 – 12 oz 15 minutes before your workout.
  • During exercise, drink enough to limit fluid loss to less than 2% of body weight (at least 8-12 oz. of water sports drink every 15-20 minutes during prolonged exercise, and more if sweating profusely).
  • After exercise, the goal is to replenish fluids, so drink at least the amount of fluids that you lost while working out.

Lather Up
  • Wear sunscreen to protect your skin and re-apply frequently. Try a sunscreen spray if you have trouble applying lotion to hard to reach areas.
  • Don't forget areas like your ears and the back of your neck!

Look Cool to Be Cool
  • Wear fabrics that promote ventilation and wick away moisture from your skin to stay cool. For cycling, a mesh base layer and a summer weight jersey will help to keep you cooler.
  • Don't forget sunglasses - protect your eyes from harmful UVA radiation!
  • Wear a cap to keep your head cool and protect your scalp from sunburn. A cap with a bill will also shield your eyes form glare and the sun's harmful rays.

Take it Down a Notch
  • Warm up at an easy effort level and increase intensity slowly. Avoid going too hard, too soon in your workout and give yourself time to acclimate to hot weather.
  • If you start to suffer cramping in your muscles, slow down and allow the muscles to relax. Sports drinks with electrolytes or electrolyte tablets may help prevent muscle cramps.

Use an…Ice sock?
  • Pour cold water over your head, neck and shoulders in really hot conditions, or use an "ice sock" down the back of your shirt or jersey. Fill a nylon stocking with ice, put it down your back and pin it to the neck of your top or cycling jersey. This will keep you cool as the ice melts! (I once "warmed up" for a bike race on a very hot day on a trainer with ice packs strapped to my arms, neck and back!)

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