Ways to Hold to Your Fitness Goals

January 2, 2017

As the glow of the gym starts to fade and soreness of your fitness goals becomes annoying and not motivating, you may need to look for ways to stick with it.  Here are a list of tactics to make it to that three month mark where activities turn into habits. 

Share Your Goals with Others
Share your aspirations with friends and family to make your goals known. Post your workouts on social media and document your journey.  Tell your roommate, partner, neighbor or coworkers to create accountability.

Work Out with Other People
Find workout partner/partners to act as a support system or join a club or group. You are more likely to hit the gym after a tough day at work if you are meeting a friend.

Join a Gym
Gyms provide variety and diversity to your workout. Become a member at a gym that offers various equipment, machines, classes and facilities to keep you inspired.  Trainers are also readily available to help you learn new machines or workouts and keep you inspired.

Sign Up for Classes
You’re more likely to show up, and keep coming when you are committed to something. Teachers and instructors are not only a resource, but challenge you to push yourself to the next level.  They will also change up the class week to week so even if you find a class you love, it will always stay fresh.

Join a League
Play on a team of a sport you’re passionate about, and you will forget you’re exercising. Have fun while staying on track.

Get Help
Hire a personal trainer to at least write up a road map to get you started.  You will be more inclined to work out if you have a paid appointment with someone.   If you are just getting started they will also make sure that you don’t make mistakes getting started and derail your fitness goals before they ever get started.

Sign Up for a Race or Event
A definitive goal such as a 5k, fundraiser or triathlon will give you something to train and work towards.  Most races also have training plans or running groups leading up to them.

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