Your Fitness Horoscope

February 4, 2022

In a bit of a fitness rut? Look to the stars for inspiration for your next workout! We’ve rounded up the best type of workouts and classes for each astrological sign.



(March 21 – April 19)

Leader of the pack Aries loves to come out on top. Courageous, determined, and hot-headed, Aries enjoys a physical challenge, making a Boxing Class or 1:1 Boxing Personal Training Session the perfect way to blow off some steam.

Try one of our Muay Thai classes in Chelsea for that extra challenge that Aries craves!



(April 20 – May 20)

Patience comes easy to a Taurus, which will come in handy when holding long poses in a Yoga Restorative class. Taurus loves to be surrounded by soothing, gentle sounds, perfect for any of our Yoga classes!

More for Taurus: Bedtime Yoga on Chelsea Piers Play for a calming class before bed.



(May 21 – June 20)

Spontaneous, playful and indecisive Gemini - try AMP’d - a high intensity class on the turf that always switches up equipment and exercises.

Another option? Hop on Chelsea Piers Play and do a few different shorter workouts to keep things interesting. 20 Minute HIIT followed by 10 Minute Yoga? No problem!



(June 21 – July 22)

Highly intuitive Cancer will respond well to a smaller more intimate class like Pilates Reformer. With a smaller class, you’ll get to know and be comfortable with all of your classmates in no time.

Try Pilates 101 on Chelsea Piers Play to feel more comfortable with the basics before attending class in person. A good lap session in the pool would also be great for this water sign when they’re feeling less social.



(July 23 – August 22)

Leos will love the energy of a good Breakaway class! They’ll live for the drama of the class leaderboard and color changes in the room as the class switches “zones.” Get the spotlight you crave - work up a sweat to try and get that instructor shoutout in class!

Another obvious choice for Leos, new to the schedule - Dance!



(August 23 – September 22)

Logical Virgo will appreciate the practicality of a Pilates Mat or Reformer Class. Every move has an intention that your instructor will explain during class to keep your mind occupied and your body moving.

Kick it up a notch in one of our Hot Pilates Mat classes!



(September 23 – October 22)

Gentle Libra will appreciate the balance and beauty of a good Barre class. Libras are very clever, and know that barre will produce big results with low impact exercises - win, win!

Another great option to satisfy the social side of a Libra? Try one of our rock climbing schools in Chelsea, or a more social class like AMP’d.



(October 23 – November 21)

Elusive, mysterious and full of power, Scorpio would feel right at home in a Hot Yoga Athletic class for a sweaty challenge.

Yoga not your style? Crank up the energy in a Breakaway Cycling class. Scorpios will appreciate the competition, while still being able to tune into themselves in the dark, club-like settings.



(November 22 – December 21)

Curious and energetic Sagittarius should watch our Equipment 101 series to explore all areas of the club and keep their workouts interesting!

For a group fitness class, try AMP’d or Strength 3D to switch things up.



(December 22 – January 19)

Capricorns are responsible and are known for having excellent self-discipline. Try our Kettlebell Foundations series to learn the basics on Chelsea Piers Play and build up your practice. Practical and straight-forward, Strength 3D is the perfect group fitness option for Capricorns.



(January 20 – February 18)

Worst case scenario for an Aquarius? A boring workout! Breakaway is the perfect option to keep an Aquarian entertained. They’ll love being able to ride (and dance!) to the beat of the music.

Aquarians would also thrive in one of our Rock Climbing Schools or a Volleyball Class in Chelsea - unique workouts with a social aspect.



(February 19 – March 20)

Sensitive and empathetic Pisces can feed their desire to escape reality in a classic Yoga Flow class. We have plenty of scheduled classes in the club, and several on Chelsea Piers Play if you’re feeling more of a solo practice.

This water sign would also thrive during a dip in the pool - the perfect place to clear your thoughts while getting in a low-impact, effective workout. (Book your lane in advance)