Brooke Mullen

Brooke is a total music junky! Expect to ride to the beat of the music with lots of high intensity intervals, heavy climbs, and killer sprints! She is full of energy and inspiration to keep you going during the toughest moments. Brooke strives to get her class to tap into their individual strength and recognize their inner athlete by encouraging them to push past the limits they set for themselves, and to trust that they are a whole lot stronger than they think. In Brooke’s classes, you’re part of a team–with of course, some friendly competition. She has learned that you have to fight hard for the things you want by not giving power to fear or self-doubt. She believes that the mental component of exercise is just as important as the physical and encourages her riders to use the experience of pushing through the difficult moments in class as a reminder to believe in their ability to accomplish their biggest goals or challenges on and off the bike. Cutting corners and looking for the easy way out doesn’t create lasting change. Our biggest victories come from our toughest challenges!